Keeping Yourself and Your Family Safe this Holiday Season
Now that the holiday season is upon us, you might find yourself rushing around to get some last-minute shopping done. Even if you managed to avoid the “Black Friday” rush, you might still be at risk of suffering an injury or becoming a victim of identity fraud. To make your shopping experiences as pleasant as possible, consider these tips:
- Keep your money separate from your wallet. Keeping your money and credit cards in a front pants pocket or an inside jacket pocket makes it more difficult for pickpockets to grab it.
- Shop in groups. You are less likely to be targeted by attackers if you are in a group of people.
- Lock your gifts in the trunk. Boxes of toys or expensive electronics can tempt people to break into your car. Keep they locked securely in your trunk where they will not be visible.
- Drink water, not soda. Colas, teas and coffees can dehydrate you. If you plan on shopping for a long time, eat a big breakfast and drink lots of water.
- Avoid “door buster” sales. People are injured almost every year while attempting to push their way inside a store for special early sales. Make it to the store a little bit later and avoid being crushed or trampled.
- Park under a light post. Cars that are highly visible are less likely to be broken into, and people who walk in well-lit areas are less likely to be attacked.
- Keep your car windows clear. Make sure you can see out of your windows when you drive. You could risk an accident otherwise.
- Leave your children at home. Little children and elderly parents are at an increased risk of catching a cold or an infection from sick people out shopping. Shop without them to help protect their help.
- Use a secured credit card online. If you shop online, consider a secure credit card: you put how much you want onto the card, which means thieves cannot run up huge bills on your credit line.
From all of us here at the Law Office of Perry A. Craft in Nashville, we wish you a happy and healthy holiday!

Perry A. Craft has dedicated his life to helping people in need. He has tried, settled, or resolved numerous civil and criminal cases in State and Federal courts, and has represented teachers and administrators before school boards, administrative judges, and the state Board of Education. Learn more about Attorney Craft.