Changes in Immigration and Economic Landscapes Are Affecting Tennessee
Increasingly, the world’s economy is becoming interdependent and global. Tennessee is witnessing this economic change. As a result, international companies are moving to Tennessee, and thousands of immigrants are living and working in Tennessee. Many immigrants enter the United States as refugees and have been given asylum in this country. Most refugees arrive in this country with few resources, but many are hard-working people trying to rebuild their lives and make a better future for their families.
Regardless of their legal status, if they qualify, immigrants may receive public benefits. Receiving benefits, however, is not simple for immigrants and depends upon how individual immigration officials define “extreme hardship,” a key determinant in granting or denying benefits to immigrants. In an attempt to resolve this problem, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Jeh Johnson issued a November 20, 2014 directive instructing immigration officials to use a uniform definition of “extreme hardship” and a clearer set of determining factors and criteria.
Immigration officials have largely followed Johnson’s directive. As of October 7, 2015, immigration officials look at the factors as a whole, as opposed to individually as they did in the past. In addition, although some individual immigrants’ hardship in and of itself does not qualify as extreme, the extreme cases of two or more of the immigrants’ relatives help the other immigrants to qualify. Immigration officials now have a clearer understanding of the terms separation and relocation and the consequences thereof. They allow immigrants to demonstrate that being separated or relocated from their qualifying relative(s) would lead to “extreme hardship,” thus making it difficult for immigrants and/or their qualifying relative(s) to live their lives.
The definition and proof of “extreme hardship” is not the only immigration issue in Tennessee. Tennessee now has a growing number of foreign-based companies coming to set up shop. These companies provide jobs for those who live in Tennessee. Federal immigration laws, however, can be daunting, and foreign-based companies usually want some foreign workers to work in Tennessee. In order to have their foreign workers work in Tennessee, the companies must deal with complex immigration laws. Foreign-based companies often consult with lawyers to comply with Tennessee and federal laws and regulations.
If you are an immigrant or foreign based company facing immigration or other legal issues or have questions about American or Tennessee law in general, contact Nashville Immigration Attorney Perry A. Craft.
Perry A. Craft has dedicated his life to helping people in need. He has tried, settled, or resolved numerous civil and criminal cases in State and Federal courts, and has represented teachers and administrators before school boards, administrative judges, and the state Board of Education. Learn more about Attorney Craft.