An Inaccurate Credit Report

In America, we often make purchases with credit.  However, stores, car dealers, banks, or other lenders typically review our credit report before deciding whether to extend credit to us to make a purchase on credit or to determine the interest rate that we will pay.  A lower interest rate generally results in less amount of…

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Tennessee Lemon Law

Automobiles are a necessity in America.  We use them to travel to and from work, run errands, see doctors, shop, take children to school, attend religious services, and more.  Cars and trucks, however, are not without problems; they break down, require maintenance, upkeep, and repairs, and more.  Some vehicles have problems from the start.  In…

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Changes in Guidelines and Penalties for White Collar Offenses

The United States Department of Justice (DOJ) wears many hats.  One hat is prosecuting white collar criminals.  The DOJ seeks and imposes penalties on companies or individuals who violate the laws and regulations of the United States. The DOJ’s policies and the penalties for white collar criminal offenses are changing.  White collar crimes differ from…

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Confidential Informants

In America, the police fight crime.  To fight crime, they use several methods.  One method is using confidential informants. What exactly is a confidential informant, and what does he or she do? A confidential informant, casually called a “snitch,” is a person who tells the police about suspected criminals and tells them everything he or…

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Protecting Your Child’s Rights Now that School is Back in Session

Now that school is back in session in Nashville and the initial excitement and confusion are behind us, students are expected to get back to work: that means studying for tests, completing homework and engaging in classroom assignments. But if your child is a special needs child, these typical activities may prove more challenging than…

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The Pitfalls of Co-signing a Loan

Consumers, businesses, and non-profits often seek to buy products or items, such as vehicles, homes, and clothes, but do not have the funds to pay for said items at the time of purchase.  The sellers of these items – lenders, retailers, dealers, banks, finance companies, etc. – may sell the product on credit but require…

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Discrimination in the Workplace

Despite the numerous anti-discrimination laws, discrimination continues to happen in many corners of America. One such corner can be the workplace. Discrimination in the workplace takes many forms – for example, discrimination based on race, nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, and religion. Racial, national, ethnic, sexual, gender, and religious discrimination in the workplace is…

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Wrongful Termination

In Tennessee, everyone has the right to earn a living, and employers have the right to fire or terminate employees.  Tennessee is a “right to work” state.  Generally speaking, unless the firing or loss of job benefit is related to or caused by unlawful discrimination based on sex, race, color, national origin, creed, age, or…

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Confidentiality Agreements

Privacy, trust, secrecy, and protection thereof are important in today’s business world, and a confidentiality agreement often is used to protect confidential information between an employer and employee or between businesses proposing to enter or entering an agreement. Also known as a non-disclosure agreement, a confidentiality agreement is a binding agreement between two or more…

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