How Can I Recover Stolen or Seized Personal Property?

Your personal property is not always safe or secure; it can be stolen or seized. Fortunately, in the state of Tennessee and elsewhere in the United States, the law allows you to reclaim or recover your personal property. Under the law, personal property is physical, transferable, tangible items, such as vehicles, shirts, computers, and toys.…

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You always should and must tell the truth when you appear in a courtroom. Otherwise, our system of justice does not work, and a lie you tell may be considered perjury. When you take the witness stand and give testimony in a courtroom, you take an oath and swear to tell the truth – nothing,…

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Jury Trials

Unlike in some countries, you cannot be declared guilty, imprisoned, or executed without a trial. In the State of Tennessee and elsewhere in the United States, you have the right to due process and the right to a jury trial. Also known as trials by jury, jury trials are trials or judicial proceedings presented before…

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Answering Interrogatories

In the United States, parties in civil lawsuits are entitled to learn the facts and to review the documents in a dispute.  One method by which relevant information is learned is answers to interrogatories. Interrogatories are written questions posed to you by the opposing side. You generally receive them through your own attorney.  You cannot…

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The Charges in the Celebrity College Admissions Cheating Scandal

Many people believe that attending the right college is the most important decision for a child’s future. But parents can step over legal lines. The recent indictments of actresses Laurie Loughlin and Felicity Huffman prove this point. Huffman, who has starred in shows such as Desperate Housewives and Sports Night, has pled guilty to federal…

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Preparing to Testify in Court

Cases often are won or lost based on the testimony of the parties involved or their witnesses.  Though no one can change the facts, a party or a witness is more persuasive when he or she understands the questions, answers them truthfully, speaks clearly, maintains self-control, does not get rattled, and acts respectfully. To prepare…

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Tennessee May Restore Voting Rights to Convicted Felons

Tennessee lawmakers are exploring legislation that would change the state’s current child support felony rule. Currently, the state requires that felons must be current with their child support payments before their voting rights can be restored. Current law also requires that felons pay all court fines and court-ordered restitution before they can be given their…

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Post-Conviction Remedies in Tennessee

While being found guilty is devastating, there may still be ways to overturn the decision or reduce the sentence. There are different remedies that can be asserted depending on the facts of the case, the legal arguments that were made, and other factors. Here are the general rules. After being found guilty, there is usually…

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The Different Types of Visas in Family Immigration

There are many different types of visas that foreigners can seek to enter the United States for a short term or permanently. Each type of visa has its own set of requirements. The main types of immigration visas that Tennessee residents seek for relatives are immediate relative visas and family sponsored visas. Immigrant visas available…

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Project Safe Nashville and Gun Crime

Recently, Donald Q. Cochran, the United States Attorney for the Middle District of Tennessee, announced a new plan with Nashville Mayor David Briley to fight gun crime. The plan or initiative, according to Cochran, “is a proactive, forensics-based, data-driven strategy to reduce violent crime by focusing on the rapid collection, analysis, and investigation of gun-crime…

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