Avoiding Arrest and What to Do if You Are Arrested
If possible, avoid getting arrested in the first place. The police may not arrest you for every crime that you committed. For relatively minor crimes, they may write out a citation directing you to report to a jail for booking on a certain day or to appear in court at a particular time, or they…
Read MoreMiddle Tennessee Hosts Two Large Music Festivals: Know the Law and Be Smart
Middle Tennessee is the spot where two large music festivals will be held this week. Both events are set for June 9 through June 12, 2016. Both attract huge numbers of fans and draw the attention of law enforcement. Nashville hosts the CMA Fest. Throngs of country music fans, nearly 90,000 last year, will descend…
Read MoreForfeiture: A Warning to Bonnaroo Attendees, U.S. Citizens, and Immigrants
Bonnaroo is almost here. Regardless of whether you plan to attend the Bonnaroo festival or whether you are driving along the Interstate, other highways, and roads for business or pleasure, be aware: Law enforcement can seize your money, vehicles, and property if the officers believe they are associated with illegal drugs or other criminal activity. …
Read MoreDo’s and Don’ts for Bonnaroo 2016
Bonnaroo is almost here! Last year, more than 80,000 people attended the festival on a 700-acre farm in Manchester, Tennessee, located in rural Coffee County. This year, 90,000 attendees are expected to be there. In addition to fans, reporters, and vendors, local and state law enforcement deputies and officers will stay on high alert and…
Read MoreBe Prepared and on Time for Court
Be ready and be on time when you go to court. Be ready and be prepared: Plan what to wear before the day of court. Make sure that your clothes are clean and appropriate for court. Do not wear tank tops, T-shirts, see-through clothing, torn-up clothes, shorts, short skirts, provocative dresses, or clothing with vulgar…
Read MoreChanging Views on Marijuana Laws
In certain states like Tennessee and under federal law (the Controlled Substances Act), marijuana remains illegal to sell, manufacture (grow), use, or possess. In spite of federal law criminalizing marijuana, several state legislatures have eased restrictions on marijuana use and legalized it in whole or in part. For some time, views and laws on marijuana…
Read MoreDrug Charges Stemming from Arrests at Bonnaroo
It’s almost Bonnaroo time again. The Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival in Manchester, Tennessee runs from June 9 through June 12, 2016. The festival attracts thousands of fans and draws the attention of local police and law enforcement in and around Coffee County who are on the lookout for people carrying or keeping illegal drugs,…
Read MoreFollowing the “Bonnaroovian Code” Can Help Keep You Safe This Year
The newest line-up for Bonnaroo is offering some well-known acts. Almost 90,000 people attend the Bonnaroo music festival each year, which means that law enforcement officials in Manchester, Tennessee, Coffee County, and in the surrounding areas are gearing up for it. We have offered some helpful information in the past to ensure that you can…
Read MoreAre Prison Sentences Too Long and Too Harsh?
In America, individuals caught breaking the law are arrested, charged, and then prosecuted. If they are convicted or if they plead guilty, lawbreakers are subject to fines and incarceration, or spending time in jail or prison. The rationale for sending those convicted of crimes to jail or prison is to deter them and others from…
Read MoreMiranda Rights: The Reality
In the United States, citizens and non-citizens alike have rights guaranteed and protected by the United States Constitution. In the criminal justice system, one set of Constitutionally-protected rights is known as “Miranda rights.” Miranda rights were announced by the United States Supreme Court fifty years ago in the case of Ernesto Miranda versus the State…
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