The “Take Care Clause,” the Supreme Court, and Immigration Reform

Ever since President Obama announced his executive action on immigration in November 2014, opponents have filed lawsuit to challenge them. We have covered the lawsuits and the delays, knowing that if the Supreme Court denied to take the case, 4 million people could be at risk of deportation. On January 19th, the Supreme Court agreed…

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Consumer Scams

America’s economy depends upon truthful and non-misleading information about the goods and services consumers buy.  Many transactions run smoothly. Unfortunately, some transactions are scams, and consumers are not getting what the seller leads them to believe that they were buying. Scammers use a wide variety of schemes to trick consumers, but here are some common…

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New Rule Brings Good News for Visa Holders and Petitioners

Many individuals find the immigration process challenging and confusing. To make it a little less complicated, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has changed some of its regulations for current holders of and petitioner of H-1B1, E-3 and CW-1 nonimmigrant visas and EB-1 immigrant visas. Beginning February 16, 2016, the following changes go into effect:…

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Domestic Violence

In America, the courts treat domestic violence very seriously.  Domestic violence is abusive behavior and tactics one individual uses in order to maintain power and control over his or her spouse or significant other. Exact tactics vary among abusers; however, victims are subjected to and endure verbal, physical, psychological, emotional, and sexual abuse. How often…

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Contaminated Gasoline at Mapco in Nashville

Cars are necessities in America; people rely on them to go to work, to go to school, to run errands, and more. Cars require regular gasoline fill-ups to run, so people stop at gas stations to fill up their fuel tanks. People usually do not encounter problems at gas stations. But once again, Tennessee drivers…

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Changes in Immigration and Economic Landscapes Are Affecting Tennessee

Increasingly, the world’s economy is becoming interdependent and global.  Tennessee is witnessing this economic change. As a result, international companies are moving to Tennessee, and thousands of immigrants are living and working in Tennessee.  Many immigrants enter the United States as refugees and have been given asylum in this country.  Most refugees arrive in this…

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Updated Measures for Relief for Victims around the World

Immigration issues often come up in political campaigns. This year, the candidates for public office have been asked about their views on immigration. Sometimes, candidates promise real reform and discuss pathways to citizenship; others blame immigrants for the nation’s problems; some try to sit on the fence. In the midst of this flurry of talk…

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No Child Left Behind Act

Traditionally, the states bore responsibility for educating children; however, for some time, the federal government has required the states to do more.  Not every child learns at the same pace, and some children are disadvantaged.  In an attempt to narrow the gap between advantaged and disadvantaged children, Congress has passed several laws, most recently the…

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