Crime and Asset Forfeiture
The police are tasked with upholding the law. State and federal laws give them numerous methods to carry out their duties, and some generate controversy. Asset forfeiture is a tool that many contend is over-used; others say it is essential to remove the profits from illegal activity. But what exactly is asset forfeiture? Asset forfeiture…
Read MoreCelebrating Immigrant Entrepreneurs’ Contributions to the U.S. Economy
The United States is a nation of immigrants, and June is immigrant heritage month when we stop and recognize the amazing ways that immigrants have contributed to and enriched our American life, society, culture and particularly the economy. The Partnership for a New American Economy analyzed the positive impact that foreign-born entrepreneurs are having on…
Read MoreChanges in Immigration Policy Affecting Restaurants
Many undocumented immigrants have been in the U.S. for years; some came as children and have been in the U.S. all their lives. The U.S. stated general policy, as set forth in federal law, was that undocumented immigrants were subject to removal or deportation. The policy now is changing, partly due to President Barack Obama’s…
Read MoreFederal Appellate Court Dismisses Anti-Immigrant Arizona Sheriff’s Lawsuit
Undocumented immigrants have come to America for years. While some Americans welcome them with open arms, others do not and worry that the undocumented immigrants are having a negative effect on American society. As a result, some Americans who carry anti-immigrant sentiments, such as Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, challenged President Barack Obama’s recent executive orders…
Read MoreBail, Bond, and Bail Bondsmen
After you are arrested, you are placed in a holding cell at the police station or in a cell at the county jail. Once in jail, you may be able to post bail. But what exactly is bail? What is a bond? How does bail work? How does a bond work? To whom do you…
Read MoreOrders of Protection
At times, people argue. These arguments often are between husband and wife, between adults who live together or are in a relationship, or within families. Sometimes, the arguments move from unsettling words to threats and violence. One person strikes or hits another. Until the last generation or so, police would not intervene. Society viewed this…
Read MoreWhat is a County Jail for, and What is it Like?
After you are arrested, you are taken to the police station for booking, where the police will take your mug shot, get you finger-prints, get your personal information, and confine you to a holding cell at a police station or county jail before being placed in an ordinary cell. A bond will be set, but…
Read MoreDrug Conspiracy
Do you have to commit an actual crime – for example, a federal drug offense – in order to be arrested and charged with said crime? No. In America, federal law allows for you to be arrested and charged with conspiracy to commit a crime. But what exactly is a drug conspiracy? A criminal conspiracy…
Read MoreAntitrust, State Regulation and Regulators, and Small Business
Legislatures have often enacted laws with conflicting or cross purposes. What one particular statute or regulation encourages or requires may run contrary to another. A small business may try to justify its practices or activities by relying on a particular law, regulation, or agency opinion, but a different separate law may require a result that…
Read MoreImmigrants Complain about Wearing Ankle Monitors
For years, both authorized and unauthorized immigrants have come to America, and they will continue to come. Those who entered the U.S. illegally are usually sent to immigration detention centers. As a result of pressure from detention opponents and changes in U.S. immigration policies, many undocumented immigrants recently have been released. Many former detainees are…
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