Discrimination against American Muslims

Long ago, many of our forebears made the long, dangerous journey to America from faraway lands to practice their religion without fear and to escape persecution.  Those experiences helped form a core American value enshrined in the Constitution: freedom of religion.  Freedom of religion means that the government cannot establish a particular religion as the…

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Road Rage

Road rage, a driver’s unbridled anger often provoked by another driver’s driving style, is becoming a major problem on U.S. interstates, highways, and roads.  Most road rage instances are unnerving and unsettling but do not cause injury; however, some road rage instances cause major damage, injury, or death. In Michigan, 69-year-old Martin Zale was charged…

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Three-year-old Child Beaten to Death by Father

Learning how to properly use a toilet is an important milestone in a child’s development. Most parents are patient with their children during this process, but some become so frustrated that they resort to abusing their children. In Houston, Texas, a 24-year-old father beat his three-year-old son and accidentally killed him because he was increasingly…

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Help for Bonnaroo Travelers Facing Charges After an Interdiction Stop

When law enforcement officials believe a person is smuggling weapons, illegal drugs and/or other kinds of contraband in the car, those officers have the right to conduct an interdiction stop. This stop allows officers to pull over a “suspicious” looking car; then, the officer will likely look for anything out-of-place within the car, such as…

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Tennessee Drug Laws

In spite of the fact that using, possessing, or selling illegal drugs is a criminal offense in Tennessee that carries stiff penalties and results in other negative consequences, many people still use them.  Whether you believe the laws interfere with private choices and individual liberty, are unfair, not needed, outdated, or unjust, or should be…

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Terrorist Plot to Murder Police Thwarted

Like other countries, America is targeted by terrorists.  The September 11, 2001 terrorist attack is still fresh in the minds of the American public.  The 2013 Boston marathon bombing reminded the nation that dangers lurk in unlikely places and that terrorists have no hesitation in choosing civilian targets to wreak havoc, cause destruction, and seriously…

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Heroin is Back

In spite of U. S. law enforcement’s fifty-year-old drug war, illegal drugs are still widely available. Makers, distributors, and dealers of illegal drugs continue to sell these drugs to addicts and users and seek to ensnare new customers.  Regardless of stiff criminal penalties and long prison sentences, a black market for illegal drugs flourishes.  Certain…

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Still No Ruling on President Obama’s Immigration Plan

When a Texas judge issued a stay in the President’s plans for immigration reform, a special meeting of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals was called in order to hear both sides of the argument. The judges have yet to make a ruling, and it could be many weeks before they do so. For…

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Federal Appellate Court Rules against Obama’s Immigration Initiatives

America is a land of immigrants, individuals who came from faraway places to find a better life for themselves and their children, to practice their religion freely and openly, to escape persecution or possible death, or to get a fresh start.  For some time however, America’s immigration policy has been the subject of intense debate. …

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