
Drug abuse is a serious problem in the United States.  In spite of the nation’s nearly half-century war on drugs, illegal drugs are still sold and often relatively easy for users to obtain.   In spite of strict laws forbidding the sale, use, or possession of illegal street drugs, users and addicts still want, crave, and…

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Police Misconduct and Accountability

The police promise to serve, protect, and uphold the law.  Admittedly, the police have a difficult job, and the law gives officers leeway and discretion in fulfilling their duties.  Though most encounters with law enforcement officers stir no controversy, sometimes police misjudge the situation, make the wrong move, or engage in misconduct.  Misconduct carries consequences…

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Beware of Shady Immigration Consultants and Immigration Scams

The United Stated immigration system is complicated and confusing. People leave their countries hoping for and dreaming of a better life for their children and themselves. They long to become citizens of this country and often encounter a host of legal issues. These legal issues can mushroom and result in huge problems for immigrants. Dealing…

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Teachers and Claims of Misconduct

Teachers wear many hats and have important responsibilities to their students. They teach students academic and practical subjects, help prepare them to become independent and responsible individuals and citizens, serve as role models, listen to their problems and make suggestions, broaden their horizons, and guide them. Nevertheless, not all teachers live up to their responsibilities.…

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Being Arrested: How to Avoid It and What Happens Afterwards

Congress and state legislatures regularly pass laws that often make certain acts a crime or increase the penalties for violations. These laws apply to citizens and immigrants. The police, the sheriff, state troopers, drug task force members, park rangers, FBI agents, DEA agents, ICE agents, and agents in numerous other agencies have the power to…

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Preparing for Your Child’s IEP Meeting

Children with disabilities are entitled to a free and appropriate public education; however, to succeed in school, these children often require additional assistance and support. A federal law, the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), compels schools and school districts to provide significant assistance and support for these children. Before Congress passed the IDEA, schools were…

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