DHS to Extend Eligibility for Employment Authorization for Some H-4 Dependent Spouses

On February 25, 2015, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced that its newly amended regulations will extend, starting in May of this year, “eligibility for employment authorization to certain H-4 dependent spouses of H-1B nonimmigrants who are seeking employment-based lawful permanent resident (LPR) status.” The amendment is part of President Obama’s executive orders, and…

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Gifted Education

Education is important in American society, and from pre-school through twelfth-grade, there are three types of educational programming: regular education, special education, and gifted education. This post explains “gifted education.” Currently, there are no uniform standards for gifted education in all situations, and the makeup of gifted education differs from state to state. However, the…

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IDEA and IEP: The Rights of Students with Disabilities

Public schools are available to all of America’s children, including children with special needs. While many students struggle with particular courses or subjects, students with special needs require additional assistance. Finding that schools were not giving students with special needs adequate services to allow them to develop their potential, Congress enacted a law, the Individuals…

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What to do When Injured by a Big Commercial Truck

Vehicular wrecks involving large trucks occur frequently. They are far deadlier or involve serious injuries than wrecks involving just cars. Factors such as bad weather, driver error, and vehicle trouble lead to truck accidents. But what do you do when you are in a truck accident? Seek immediate medical care, even if you think your…

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Nashville and Chattanooga Join “Cities for Citizenship”

On December 15, 2014, Mayor Karl Dean’s administration announced the city’s participation in Cities for Citizenship at the National Immigrant Integration Conference in Los Angeles. Chattanooga also signed the same day, bringing the number of participating cities to 14. This national initiative aims to increase citizenship among eligible U.S. permanent residents by cooperating and sharing…

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What Do You Do When You Are in a Bus Wreck?

Some people feel safer on a bus than they do in a car; however, buses are not necessarily safer than cars. Though buses have benefits for travelers, many of them lack safety features such as airbags and seat belts. A respected publication, journalistresource.org, reports that vehicular accidents involving buses happen almost weekly in America and…

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