Perry Craft to Speak at Conference for Lawyers

Attorney Perry Craft will speak to lawyers at a conference sponsored by the Tennessee Bar Association in Vail, Colorado on January 19, 2015. Mr. Craft will speak about the United States Supreme Court and its recently decided cases. For many years, Mr. Craft has been a speaker at Tennessee Bar Association conferences for lawyers. He…

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CIA: Practitioners of Torture?

In 1947, Congress created the Central intelligence Agency (CIA) to coordinate and centralize all the intelligence agencies and branches of the United States. The CIA’s goal is to preserve and protect the freedoms of Americans. For some time, the press has scrutinized the CIA. Lately, critics contend that the agency tortured prisoners, but CIA supporters…

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Traumatic Brain Injury: Realities and Help in Tennessee

A traumatic brain injury occurs unexpectedly, without warning and is devastating and life-changing. Some traumatic brain injuries result from combat: soldiers may receive wounds or injuries to their heads, and others results from car or truck wrecks, other accidents, or injuries. A blow to the head can lead to serious brain injury. Victims become disoriented,…

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Buying a Used Vehicle: Tips and One Recent Scam That Has Surfaced

Deciding when and whether to buy a used car is a difficult decision, one that should be made carefully, thoughtfully, and intelligently.  Before buying or leasing a used vehicle, you would be wise to consider several factors, including – Title and registration: Does the dealer or seller have a good title to the car?  Is…

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Expungement or How to Get a Job When You Have a Criminal Record

In America, individuals without criminal records have advantages over individuals with criminal records, especially regarding applying for a job.  Employers often run background checks on job applicants to see if they have criminal records.  Many employers are less likely to hire an applicant with a criminal record over an applicant without a criminal record.  Though…

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A Remedy for an Abused Immigrant

Some Americans may have forgotten that America is a land of immigrants; it always has been and always will be. The history of our nation, in part, is the stories of men, women and children leaving their own homes in their native lands and finding a new life here.  With determination, courage, vision, the hope…

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Exercise Your Right to Vote: Voter ID and Registration

In the United States, citizens vote to choose presidents, governors, legislators and other public officials.  The right to vote or cast ballots means that elected officials will face voters, who will decide who should hold office.  Early in our nation’s history, the right to vote (sometimes called the “franchise”) was limited.  Not all Americans could…

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