Community Warning: Phone Scam From Law Enforcement Impersonators

United States citizens enjoy many rights including the freedom of religion, the freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, and the right against unreasonable searches and seizures.  These rights are set forth in the United States Constitution and in particular, the Bill of Rights. U.S. citizens also have certain civic duties, such as jury…

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How Dangerous is Texting Behind the Wheel?

Living in the U.S. as an immigrant can be like trying to balance on a tightrope. You go about living your life, and one false move can put your dreams of becoming a citizen in jeopardy. Texting behind the wheel is illegal in almost every state in the United States, yet it’s one of those…

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Helping to Raise Awareness About Domestic Violence

There have been a lot of stories in the news and online where famous athletes and celebrities have been caught abusing their family members. In Tennessee, abusing a member of your family and/or household is called domestic violence, and it’s a serious crime. October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The goal is to make…

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Mental Illness and the Criminal Justice System

Mental illness is a real disease and affects millions of people.  Mental health professionals — psychiatrists, psychologists, and mental health workers — identify and diagnose particular types of mental illnesses, for instance, clinical depression, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), bi-polar disorder, schizophrenia, paranoia. While symptoms vary widely, those afflicted with particular mental illnesses often cannot control…

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Domestic Violence is a Crime (Ask Ray Rice)

A generation or so ago, law enforcement officers (police or deputies) rarely intervened in a domestic dispute.  If a spouse, generally the wife, was hit, yelled at, or threatened, the police deemed it best to let the couple or parents and children work out their differences.  Then, they thought that private matters should stay private. …

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What are the DUI Consequences for Immigrants in Tennessee?

It is obvious that drunk driving carries serious consequences for anyone arrested for DUI in Tennessee, but for non-citizens the consequences can be even more severe. Getting convicted of a DUI can change your life forever, because there are a number of consequences. However, non-citizens can, depending on the circumstances and severity of the crime,…

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The Dangers of Social Media as Proof in Criminal Cases

Here at the Law Office of Perry Craft, PLLC, we’re celebrating a recent victory in court defending an innocent man against felony charges of stalking. One of the more interesting things about the case, however, is that the prosecution chose to use a social media account – Facebook, to be exact – as its “proof”…

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Another Successful Jury Verdict for Our Founder

We are thrilled to announce a recent success in Williamson County Court for our client Mr. Jackson. He faced multiple charges: two for aggravated stalking (felonies), one for coercion of a witness (a felony) and a misdemeanor charge for contributing to the delinquency of a minor. And why was he facing these charges? Because he…

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The American Dream and a College Education

Long gone are the days where a college education wasn’t a necessity for almost any line of work. That’s why getting a college education is so important for natural-born citizens and young immigrants alike. But even state schools can be prohibitively expensive –and private schools? For many, they’re out of the question. But an interesting…

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