Tennessee May Restore Voting Rights to Convicted Felons
Tennessee lawmakers are exploring legislation that would change the state’s current child support felony rule. Currently, the state requires that felons must be current with their child support payments before their voting rights can be restored. Current law also requires that felons pay all court fines and court-ordered restitution before they can be given their…
Read MorePost-Conviction Remedies in Tennessee
While being found guilty is devastating, there may still be ways to overturn the decision or reduce the sentence. There are different remedies that can be asserted depending on the facts of the case, the legal arguments that were made, and other factors. Here are the general rules. After being found guilty, there is usually…
Read MoreThe Different Types of Visas in Family Immigration
There are many different types of visas that foreigners can seek to enter the United States for a short term or permanently. Each type of visa has its own set of requirements. The main types of immigration visas that Tennessee residents seek for relatives are immediate relative visas and family sponsored visas. Immigrant visas available…
Read MoreProject Safe Nashville and Gun Crime
Recently, Donald Q. Cochran, the United States Attorney for the Middle District of Tennessee, announced a new plan with Nashville Mayor David Briley to fight gun crime. The plan or initiative, according to Cochran, “is a proactive, forensics-based, data-driven strategy to reduce violent crime by focusing on the rapid collection, analysis, and investigation of gun-crime…
Read MoreBullying Zero Tolerance
All men, women, and children should be treated with dignity and respect. Sadly, this is not always the case; some children experience and endure bullying. There are zero tolerance policies for bullying in many schools, but not all schools deal with bullying effectively. Bullying zero tolerance is a term referring to anti-bullying policies, laws, and…
Read MoreHearings
Once a person files a lawsuit, a hearing or set of hearings ordinarily follows. However, the term hearing conveys different meanings, depending on the context. A hearing may present a party’s chance to present or defend a motion in his, her, or its case. A trial is a hearing on the merits of a lawsuit…
Read MorePerry A. Craft Settles Two Lawsuits against Colleges on Behalf of His Clients
In the previous weeks, Perry A. Craft settled two lawsuits against institutions of higher learning. The suits asserted that the colleges had discriminated against students, questioned the process for dismissals, or raised issues with the honor code processor. In a separate matter, at a yet different college, students were accused of violating the honor code.…
Read MorePerry A. Craft Speaks at Multiple Conferences
Perry A. Craft was invited to speak at a program for lawyers and business professionals in Nashville, Tennessee. Mr. Craft accepted the invitation, and on December 19, 2018, he gave two presentations. He first spoke about principles governing, and pitfalls related to, contracts; he then delivered a speech about the law relating to covenants not…
Read MoreDefenses to RICO Charges
“RICO” is an abbreviation for the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act. The original purpose of the law, enacted in 1970, was to prosecute the Mafia, a then highly organized Italian-American criminal society. Prosecutors however have broadly used RICO to prosecute organized crime at its roots, with the goal of shutting down entire criminal organizations,…
Read MoreHonor Codes and Honor Code Violations
Colleges and universities often have honor codes. These honor codes typically require students not to give or receive aid on tests, exams, papers, or assignments – or in other words, not to cheat. They may carry other requirements regarding student conduct or behavior. The honor code is typically explained when a student starts college, and…
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